
Left or right? How about UP!?!?

I’m writing this on the eve of the election.  Every election is historic, but in my lifetime, I don’t recall any election quite this close except for the 2000 contest between George W. and Al Gore.

Could we be using the term “pregnant chads” all over again?

Nevertheless, please go and vote, but make an informed choice.  I am proud to say that I have voted in every national election since I turned 18.

I will say that I will be very thankful when all of the election ads are over!  And the phone calls!  And the mailers!  Talk about overload!

Still, no matter who wins, there is going to be an effect on your wallet.  The candidates like to talk about how this election is really a decision on the direction of America.

But there’s one direction that your taxes will go – UP!  Even if you are among the bottom 99% in the country, you will pay more.

Two major areas that will affect all people, plus one that will hit a lot of people.

1.      FICA/Social Security taxes:

Working people have been enjoying a 2% reduction in FICA/Social Security taxes that the President enacted to help people with the recession.  That provision expires at the end of this year and neither candidate wants to extend it.

On Jan 1, your paycheck will shrink slightly.

2.      Tax deductions:

Both candidates also want to limit the amount of tax deductions you can take.  Limiting deductions means increasing the amount of income subject to taxes.  And that means higher taxes for you!

As you fill out your tax return next April, expect that refund check to be smaller, or owe more.

3.      Student loan interest deduction

Though not mentioned often, if the Bush tax cuts expire, the deduction for student loan interest will end.

This has gotten very little press, yet at the same time, the national data indicates that many have student loans, and those balances have been getting bigger.

Overall, a nice summary of the tax policies of both candidates is here.

If you believe the political ads, people are quite vocal about who they are supporting.  The country is divided, and there is a lot of mud slinging.

To me, it’s nice to know that although we have our differences, we will be as one in paying higher taxes.

No matter your party affiliation, get out your wallets.