
Iced green tea with 2 lemons and 2 sugars...Or New Year’s resolutions don’t work.

It’s the New Year and I’m certain many people have made some resolutions.  And if studies are to be believed, most people have already broken them.

The popular resolutions typically address health or money.  I will lose weight, be in better shape, etc.  Or I will spend less, save more, etc...  Or some combination thereof.

On a side note, I was a little scared to go to the gym last Saturday given that it was right after the New Years holiday.  I figured it would be packed - and sure enough it was.

Why do most resolutions fail?  It’s because in order to achieve those resolutions, it would require a change in behavior in that person.  Stop eating those doughnuts or chips.  Or stop going out to eat or have to brown bag lunch each day for work.  And for most people, the actions deny what that person likes to do.

This brings me to my iced green tea, 2 lemons and 2 sugars.  It’s what I order almost every day from Dunkin Donuts.  And in my town, it’s $2.13.

If I followed the articles on the internet, if I just stop ordering those, I could save serious money.

$2.13 times 5 days per week = $10.65
$10.65 per week times 52 weeks per year = $553.80

If I contribute $553.80 each year for the next 20 years, and earn 5% interest, I would have $18,312!!!!

Yes, the math is correct.  So should I stop ordering iced teas?


It’s my little enjoyment each day, so there is no way I’m giving that up even though I want to save money.  So there has to be a better way.  Save money in a way where I don’t really feel it.  And then if we can automate that, or make it happen with little work, then those changes will stick.

What expenses could you cut in your budget that you and your family wouldn’t feel?  Comment with your ideas below.

As a side note, instead of getting DD iced tea, sometimes I get McDonald's.  Large iced tea half cut - half sweetened, half unsweetened.  That’s only $1.07!  But I’m still not giving that up!