
How money and life intersect in a typical weekend:

Many people don’t think about money on a typical weekend.  Sure, errands are to be run, youth games to be watched, and maybe a dinner out with the family.  Sure money is involved, but usually life is on the mind before money even though money is in the picture somewhere.

My weekend was similar.  Going to watch a soccer game and then a softball game.  And we had to drop off my fiance's car at the dealer for service.  No big deal.

A recent study by the Federal Reserve indicates that the average American family couldn’t handle a major expense of more than $400 without having to borrow (e.g. using credit cards), sell something, or delay the purchase.  The report really shows that while people may have income, there is a significant lack of savings.

Anyway, get the call from the dealer that afternoon.  Car is ready - $1300.  WHAT??!!??

You can bet money was now in the forefront of my mind.  Luckily, we had the savings; I know the shock of getting that big bill when we thought it was going to be less.  Imagine if someone didn’t have the money, or if it would result in a real hardship!

Sometimes, people don’t like the thought of having money just sitting in a savings account doing nothing.  When these types of bills come up, thank goodness that money was there.  That’s why it’s called an emergency fund.

On Sunday, my fiance and I were going to pick up a washer / dryer set that we had purchased from another family.  They were moving and sold a nearly new set, so we got a great deal.  All we had to do was go get the appliances.

It was an adventure moving the appliance.  It was raining.  I was slowly moving the washing machine into my basement while going down the bulkhead stairs backwards.  I missed a step, slipped, and…

Nothing flashed before my eyes.  But somehow my left hand was squeezed or pinched.  I rolled my left ankle.  And the washing machine slid down ending with a loud CRASH!

Luckily, I was still standing.  Afterwards, all I thought was – how am I going to explain that I was almost crushed by a washing machine?

Obviously, I didn’t think what I was doing was dangerous.  But stupid accidents like what that lead to stupid injuries.  Stupid injuries lead to missed work time and medical bills.  This is why we have medical and disability insurance.  Yes, I hate paying the premium each month, but being out of work and having to tell everyone I was crushed by a washing machine would have been worse.

What’s the point here?  People (me included!) don’t think about money all of the time.  But life has a funny way of reminding us to make sure that our finances are in order because life happens!

And watch out for falling washing machines!