
Personal finance. It’s about freedom…of dinner!

The other night, we were stuck.  We couldn’t agree, and the things we thought of, one of us didn’t want.  She would suggest something, I’d say no.  I’d suggest something, she’d say no.  It was surprising that we had this issue because it really doesn’t happen that often.

What were we trying to decide?  What to have for dinner!

What does this have to do with personal finance?  Well, a lot actually.

While we are comfortable, my family and I are certainly not wealthy.  Hey, I work for a living after all.  The reason we were having difficulty wasn’t what type of food we wanted, it was how much it was going to cost.  Neither of us wanted to spend much for dinner.

And we don’t go out to eat very often at all.

Even if we had a bundle of money to spend, we wouldn’t have necessarily done so.  But this little situation is an example of what financial independence is all about.

Being financially free doesn’t mean going to the nicest restaurants.  It doesn’t mean just blowing money mindlessly.

What it does mean is that you could do something – go to a nice restaurant – without having to worry about money.

One of my friends told me that when she goes out to dinner, she looks at the prices on the menu first instead of what she would like to eat.  And she hates that feeling, but it was how she was raised from a monetary perspective.

In the end, we went to a food-fast-but-not-fast-food place.  I’ll just have to make real food at home.