
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.

This past weekend, my fiance and I were meeting with a photographer and a DJ who we were considering for our wedding.  We knew both personally and it was great to meet them and learn more about them professionally.

In our minds, the plan was simple.  A simple ceremony and a casual reception where everyone could relax and have fun.  What could be easier!  But when we sat down, we both quickly realized that even our “simple, casual” wedding wasn’t so “simple”.

In speaking with both of them, it became very apparent – very quickly – that there were far more details than we realized.  You can tell the difference between a professionally taken photo and an amateur taken photo.  The DJ has professional equipment, such as speakers, and knows what to play when.

As we sat there, we both knew that if we try to do these ourselves, we would we in over our heads.  Friends are willing to help, and we could Google what we didn’t know.  But that wouldn’t be the same.  Plus, we would have the added stress of getting photos or playing songs ourselves instead of letting someone else handle these things.

In a way, we both knew from the beginning.  Both the photographer and the DJ asked if we had any questions to start, and neither of us spoke.  We didn’t know what to ask!

This experience isn’t too different from handling personal finances.  People can Google all of the information, and they can ask friends and relatives.  And there is some good advice out there.

How would someone know what to look up first?  How do people know what to ask?  And when do most people have time to even look this up and handle it themselves?  There is a difference between taking photos and playing music versus handling finances.  Who has time to look up tax law changes or federal regulations regarding IRAs and 401(k)s?

The stakes are much higher than some photos or music.  Find the right information and you’ll have a comfortable lifestyle.  Get it wrong and earn yourself a life time of stress and worry.

I realized what I know and don’t know.  My wedding – and sanity – will be better for that.