
It's not just for girls. And what kind of parent are you?

I found this interesting article, and I thought it appropriate since it's high school graduation season. This book is based on a study of just 41 girls and their families - hardly a scientific sample, but it raises some interesting - and to me, true, points.

As I get ready to send my son off to college, I too think about what his experience is going to be - academic, social - and I have often said to him that this should be the "best years of his life!". I guess I'm a pink parent! Though I do NOT expect my son to be married leaving college!

How often we think about non-academic aspects of college? How often were you told about the new rock wall, celebrity chef inspired dining facilities, or other aspects of a campus social scene? And how many of you were "impressed" by this?

The downside is that all of this new "stuff" and our desire for our children to have the "best" experience costs us a lot of money. In the form of fees, or in the form of going to a lots of frills school versus one without the new recreation facility.

What do you think of this article? What kind of parent are you?

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