
It doesn't cost as much as you think!

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month!

What do you think your loved ones would prefer? A past client once was very resistant to getting insurance. He was the primary income earner while his wife was in school. No kids, but they had just purchased a new big house, nice cars, and they had plenty of debt.

When I told him how much insurance would cost per year - around $300/yr for 20 years, $500k term, he balked at the price. But he was very proud of his new tool set he purchased for $400!

I asked the wife that if the husband pass away, what would she rather have - a $400 tool set or a check for $500k so she could pay off their house and debt so she could continue to live there.

What do you think she said?

Life insurance doesn't cost as much as most people think.

Here's a great tool to get pricing from lots of top companies so you can see just how inexpensive life insurance can be!